The above table shows the total number of Property IDs marked as correct to be 13. Step 4: Click on the Correct checkbox > Select Multiple Items > OK Step 3: Click on the Filter section dropdown in the table Now, we want to count the number of Property_IDs marked as Correct The table shows the Total count ( 17) of the Property_IDs checked by the auditors. Step 3: Drag the Auditor field to the area Rows, Property_ID to Values, and Status to Filters. We can place the data fields into the desired area either by dragging them or by clicking the checkbox next to the data field. Columns: Values under different conditions.Filters: Filters to select the desired data field.Rows: Data that is taken as a specifier.At the bottom of the Pivot Table Fields pane, there are four areas ( Rows, Values, Filters, and Columns) in which we need to place the data fields. To enter data into it click anywhere on the Pivot table and we can see a Pivot Table Fields pane on the right side of the Excel Window as shown belowĪt the top, the Pivot Table has a list of fields (columns of the data table). Now, click OK and the below Pivot Table will be created. For this, click the desired cell and it will be displayed in the Location option in the dialogue box. Now, we have to specify the location (cell) for the Pivot Table. Next, we have to select whether we want the Pivot table in the New Worksheet or the Existing Worksheet. TEXT and String Functions in Excel (26+).Lookup and Reference Functions in Excel (36+).Excel Conditional Formatting Based on Another Cell Value.SUMPRODUCT Function with Multiple Criteria.Compare Two Columns in Excel for Matches.